In this article I tell you how to safely clean and store your costume jewelry and when you might be better off leaving it to the professionals.
How to Clean Costume Jewelry
You’ve unearthed a box of costume jewelry at a rummage sale. After hauling your “booty” home and digging through it, you discover a few grimy treasures hidden amongst the junk. Follow these instructions to restore your new gems to their former splendor.
Assemble these materials: 2 clean hand towels, a bowl of warm water, dishwashing liquid or a bottle of jewelry cleaner that says it is SAFE FOR COSTUME JEWELRY, a small, soft toothbrush, wooden toothpicks, a soft chamois, white toothpaste, Windex, and cotton swabs.
Lay all the dirty jewels on one of the hand towels. Transfer each piece to the other towel once it is clean. Add a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid to the bowl of warm water and swish it around. If you are using jewelry cleaner, substitute that for the soapy water. Place the jewelry into the cleaning solution only if you are sure the piece can withstand a few minutes of soaking. Check for loose stones by pushing on them very gently with a toothpick. The grime may be the only thing holding the stones in place. If you think this may be the case with a valuable piece, you may wish to set it aside for professional cleaning and repair. Other stones may be damaged by soaking, as well.
The delicacy of pearls means that special care should be taken with them, as with all jewelry. The proper care of pearls is explained here. This article is property of Constant Content Writer Word Gypsy and is being printed here without the author's permission. Pearls are worn by women everywhere and have been for centuries. From natural pearls to cultured pearls, pearls are available to us in many colors and shapes. Wearing, storing, and taking care of our pearls is something that takes a little bit of care and effort in order to preserve their fine beauty.
Storing Your Pearls
Pearls should be stored carefully in order to protect them and prevent needlessly scratching them. The nacre coating is quite delicate and does not respond well to being tossed into a wooden drawer or onto a dresser. Pearls should be carefully wrapped in a soft cloth, preferably a non-abrasive one, and placed into a lined jewelry box compartment. They should be the only piece of jewelry there.
If that is not possible, pearls should be placed onto a soft, felt surface in a jewelry box compartment or in a small felt or foam-lined box. Again, the pearls should be placed into the compartment alone.
Additionally, it is important to prevent your pearls from knocking up onto hard surfaces, including other gemstones. This type of contact can damage the delicate coating of your pearls.
Wearing Your Pearls Proudly and Properly
Due to their delicate nature, pearls require special care. Harsh chemicals, perfumes, makeup, hairspray, and lotions can damage pearls, causing them to lose their shine and luster. Therefore, it is important to put all of these things on before you place your pearls on. In fact, whenever applying lotion, antibacterial soap, or using hand sanitizers, you should remove your pearl ring or bracelet first to avoid damaging them. Not only will your pearls shine more
brightly if you follow these practices, but also, your pearls will be less susceptible to picking up traces of dirt and grime.
Cleaning Your Pearls
Occasionally, pearls become dirty through constant use. Since dirt and grime can remove the luster or shine from pearls, it is important to clean them as soon as you notice they are dirty. For a light coating of dirt, a simple wiping with a soft, non-abrasive cloth should clean them up nicely.
If it becomes necessary to do a bit more thorough cleaning, a damp, non-abrasive cloth can be used to wipe the pearls gently. It is essential to allow your pearls to air dry to protect their
nacre coating. It this method does not remove the built-up dirt sufficiently, mild soap and water can be used. If possible, select a soap that has the fewest color or scent additives. Again, you should allow your pearls to air dry in order to protect them. Never place your pearls back into storage before they have thoroughly dried.
Restringing Your Pearls
Since pearls are typically laced together with fine silk threads or thin nylon threads, it is essential to have your pearls checked at least once a year. The fine silk or nylon threads have a tendency not to hold up to wear very well. Therefore, you should take them to a reputable jeweler to have them restrung.
The delicate beauty of pearls is undeniable. Long before diamonds became the most coveted jewel of all, pearls were by far the most popular gemstone. Noted for their fine luster and shine, pearls were highly prized.
Want to know what the best dressed wrists will be wearing this spring? Here’s the latest bracelet trends for Spring 2009. Nothing enhances the look of a well manicured hand than a beautifully designed bracelet. Bracelets will take on new importance for Spring 2009 fashion with the appearance of a variety of fashions with three quarter inch sleeves. These sleeves are designed to call attention to the wrists and hands. So what types of bracelets will capture the fashion spirit of spring 2009? Here are some of the very best bracelet trends for spring:
Bracelet trend: Chunky bangles
Bangle bracelets will take center stage as wrists become more exposed this spring and you won’t want to stop with just one. The spring 2009 fashion shows showed models and celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and Kate Hudson sporting several chunky bangles at a time as they pranced down the runway. Gold and silver layered bangles were popular with many of the bracelets having unusual hammered and polished textures as well as metal embellishments. Also seen were stacks of bangle bracelets with a primitive, tribal theme in natural colors such as taupe and brown. Although many of the runway models sported bracelets extending up their arms, this look may be a bit overdone for work or office. Investing in a few textured metal bracelets in gold and silver should keep you covered for office wear.
Bracelet trend: Cuff bracelets
Another popular bracelet theme that will carry over into spring is the cuff bracelet. Again, cuff bracelets were often seen stacked on top of another to make an even more dramatic fashion statement. Similar to the bangle bracelet, cuff bracelets for spring were often heavily textured with added embellishments such as metal studs. One interesting theme was broad cuff bracelets that could double as a watch.
Bracelet trend: Lucite bracelets
With the popularity of color in fashion for spring 2009, it’s not surprising that lucite bracelets will be popular. You’ll find them in a variety of bold and brilliant colors in keeping with this season’s emphasis on bright yellow, hot pink, and orange color trends.